
Gas for cooking

Gas is great for cooking and we can install a gas hob and bottles for you to get you up and going.

If you have Natural gas piped to your house, then you won’t require bottles but make sure when selecting a new gas hob, that it is compatible with your gas supply.

If replacing an existing gas hob – the new hob will need to be the same size or larger than the existing model.

gas for cooking

Leaking hoses and regulators

Over time LPG hoses and regulator can develop leaks, if you small gas or feel you are using too much gas, call Muir Plumbing, Gas & Drainage and we can test your system and track down any leaks.

Infinity and bottles

Gas Hot Water Heating

Gas is very efficient at heating hot water and very fast, either with Natural Gas, piped from the street or LPG bottles.

Gas storage type hot water cylinder are available for either inside or outside installations, but the more popular method for gas hot water heating is the Instantaneous / Boiler systems, where the water is heated as it is required.

Rinnai Infinity and Rheem Integrity are the leading brands in New Zealand.

There are a few rules about where a Gas the unit and the Gas bottles can be located – not too close to opening windows, doors and vents and LPG bottles have an exclusion zone requirements, not near electrical outlets, drains and building openings.

Muir Plumbing, Gas & Drainage Ltd, can advise you of the best solution for your property